Book Summary in Book Creator

As the kids walked in they saw this message on the board….


There was a buzz in the room as the kids were all trying to guess what they were going to do next.


As a back up to either:

a) WiFi issues

b) Don’t have the QRafter App

kids were told if they had any issues they could go up to the book and take a photo of the book cover and crop it.

Once all the students had scanned the QR code, I gave them the next instruction…


The above Story Graph is from Seven Steps to Writing Success.

Instead of having the students write the various elements onto the story gimg_1234raph, I had them record their voices. The main focus of the lesson was not writing, it was their ability to summarise the story.

I chose the Book Creator App for the students to produce their Book Summary. The reason being is that when you record your voice a “Speaker Button” appears and we used that to indicate the various elements of the story.


What would have taken one hour was done in 15 minutes!


This allowed us time to move onto brainstorming a new Sizzling Start for the story in Kidspiration.


Give it a go!



2 thoughts on “Book Summary in Book Creator

  1. Helen, thanks for setting up this blog. As a classroom teacher of an iPad class, I will find all of your activity ideas very useful!

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