Using G👀gly eyes for division in Explain Everything

A couple of weeks ago we used G👀gly eyes whilst learning about arrays. As the kids loved them, we brought them back to work on division.


Shown above are the different ways we have been learning to represent division. In case you’re wondering, MAD T is an acronym for Multiplication And Division Triangle. The students were starting to understand the correlation between the hands on G👀gly eyes and the representations. So, we extended them by adding in a monster story to match the G👀gly eyes. The kids loved it.

Give it a try!






Home reading 📖 task with a twist 🌪

Sometimes, the best learning moments are not intentionally planned…

Every week I assign my students ebooks for their home reading using Sunshine Classics. However last week, for the first time EVER, I forgot. I had parents emailing me asking “where were this weeks books?”. I confessed that I had forgotten due to assessment week and quickly created a task for them, as I did not have 30 minutes to assign ebooks books for all the students.

The task > upload a selfie video of you reading a book from home onto Seesaw.

Seesaw home reading

It was great to see:

  • The kids relaxed whilst they were reading
  • How confident they were taking a selfie video
  • Wonderful fluency that entertained

AND most of all

  • Peers leaving positive feedback


I would definitely do this task again.

Give it a try!




iMovie Trailer – The Secret Life of Year 2

The Secret Life of Year 2‘ is the theme students were given to create an iMovie trailer to give the current Yesr 1 students a little idea of what Year 2 is like.


The inspiration for this project theme was the movie trailer for ‘The Secret Life of Pets” we watched as an introduction to the animal themed poetry we studied this week.


I went through the basic features of iMovie Trailers with the students and watched a couple that I had made previously.


Students were grouped into groups of four and had ten seconds to nominate whose iPad they would be using for this project.  By the time ten seconds was finished one child from each group was standing. Easy!


Next, they had 30 minutes to plan and take photos or videos. The only constraint they were given was that whatever they showed needed to be important for next year’s class. Now, the students were in control of the content. I was amazed how they all worked together and not one group required me to intervene. We discussed groups had to share iPad duties with acting roles to ensure everyone had a turn.


Making an iMovie is time consuming as there are many steps and decisions that go into making one. I suggest you try one yourself prior to getting your students to make one, so you understand what will be required.


After the 30 minutes planning time, students were given the opportunity to share their work and receive some feedback.


I’ll let you know how they progress in the 2nd session.



Give it a try