Word Work with Explain Everything

I am a strong believer that when students do any Word Work activity it must be collaborative for them to get any benefit. One activity I love is explain your ‘Silly Mistake‘ in Explain Everything. As a teacher you get a quick indication if students understand their sort when they are required to explain their thinking.

  1. Students initially do a Table Sort with their cards and make a ‘Silly Mistake‘. My definition of a Silly Mistake is only making one or two mistakes, any more and you don’t know if students have made a Silly Mistake or lots of mistakes!
  2. Next students take a clear photo of their Table Sort and export the photo into Explain Everything.
  3. In Explain Everything students use the laser pointer to keep the audience focused on their explanation of their sort and their reasoning for the Silly Mistake OR leave their reasoning for their Silly Mistake for the audience to guess.
  4. Once finsished recording their voice, students export their video to Photos and share with a buddy OR upload to Seesaw for peers to view and guess the Silly Mistake.

Give it a go!



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